What To Expect from the Unexpected
The joys of writing suspense novels is trying to come up with unique ways to keep the reader on the edge of his/her seat. And I love doing just that. It’s riveting. It’s a thin strand of a hope that a writer dangles in front of his audience and either gives validity to that hope or snatches it from them which crushes their expectations and hopefully keeps them turning the pages. And for fiction writing, the aforementioned is not only fun…it’s crucial. However, when one is writing a blog such as this one, the style of writing can be much different and far less suspenseful. So what can be expected from my blog here on my website? What can be expected from a writer of the unexpected? Let’s take a look at the answer to those questions, shall we?
Here at my website (www.danieltadams.com) you will be able to expect the following:
- New novel updates
- Video blogs of the writing process
- Inspirational life stories
- Unreleased short stories
- Book signing and interview updates
- And much, much more!
So in order to keep fresh and exciting new information coming your way often, I plan on updating this blog once or twice a month. If there is anything particular you would like to see me write about here on this site, please Contact Me and send your suggestion. I cannot guarantee that I will be able to get to every single suggestion in a timely manner, but I will definitely put my best foot forward. And if I do implement your suggestion, I will make sure to give credit to where credit is due and link my readers to your website or social media page.
So thanks again for hanging out with me here on this website. As I said before, this is more than just an author’s website, for we are all co-conspirators on this literary journey together. This is the place where we learn how to “Present Facts Through Fiction”.