Category: Nano Wrimo
Day 29 — Nano Wrimo 2018
Welcome to Day #29 of the Nano Wrimo 2018 challenge. The 30 day writing challenge is almost over, and where does this author stand in regards to the 50,000 word challenge? It’s a nail-biting, page-turning, word-typing thrill ride that won’t be answered unless you watch this video. Thanks again […]
Day 9 — Nano Wrimo 2018
Welcome to Day #9 of the Nano Wrimo 2018 challenge. This video is a fun and quick one to give a brief update about the writing progress, as well as to introduce the little flare of inspiration that was received from the Nano Wrimo online store to help inspire […]
Day 7 — Nano Wrimo 2018
The first week of Nano Wrimo 2018 is almost behind us, and things could not have been going any better. First off, I love telling stories and writing them down for people to read and enjoy. More importantly however, is the idea that I hope and pray the books […]
Day 2 — Nano Wrimo 2018
Day 1 was amazing…now onto the next day of cranking out words like human lungs expel carbon dioxide. (How’s that for an obscure analogy?) Day 2 of Nano Wrimo brings it’s own challenges, like early voting, and sleepiness. But it’s okay, folks, because I created a new method to […]
Day 1 — Nano Wrimo 2018
On your mark! Get set! WRITE! Day 1 of Nano Wrimo is here, and I have put together another short video to chronicle the experience. Like any race, the onset is super exciting; I am pumped up and writing like a fiend. Who knows what challenges that lay around […]
Nano Wrimo Introduction
As an author, I am excited about a new challenge set before. The challenge is called “Nano Wrimo” and stands for National Novel Writing Month. The challenge is that an author will write a 50,000 word novel in the month of November. How super exciting! This year, I take […]