Old School Writing
In this 4th Video Blog, we take a look at the writing of a new book with the example of an old instrument. To find out more, check out this video. Also…I am pleased to announce that I have just passed the 50,000 word mark in the writing process of my new book Imperceptible, which is Book One in a 4 book Young Adult series titled, The Lawless Chronicles.
Also, mentioned in this blog is the work of an author who is a must read, Mrs. Christine Bowen (www.christinebowen.org), author of some incredible Inspirational, non-fiction books. Her latest release is Book 2 in a children’s book series: The My Lamb Series. This latest release is titled, My Lamb’s Journey, Angel Wings. Click on the link to get your copy of this book now. A great read for children of all ages….including us kids at heart.
While you wait on the writing process of Imperceptible to be finished, make sure to check out my debut novel, Beyond The Gate. You can find at my website, www.danieltadams.com or on Amazon. If you are one of those electronic readers, you can find Beyond The Gate Kindle Edition of the book as well.